Customer Service - Critical Elements

Customer Service - Critical Elements

There are two major reasons to deliver customer service: repeat business and happiness. Sales turn prospects into new customers. Service turns new cus


Course contents

textmedia How does this Online Course Work?
textmedia Course Overview & Learning Objectives
quiz S0201 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S02 Introduction
textmedia Definitions
textmedia The First Critical Element – A Customer Service Focus
quiz S0202 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S03 Introduction
textmedia Types of Customers
quiz S0301 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S04 Introduction
textmedia Meeting Expectations
quiz S0401 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S05 Introduction
textmedia Creating a Personal Vision Statement
textmedia Creating your Personal Vision Statement
textmedia Identifying Dreams and Setting Goals
textmedia SPIRIT Goals
quiz S0501 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S06 Introduction
textmedia Our Standards
quiz S0601 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S07 Introduction
textmedia What do you Think?
quiz S0701 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S08 Introduction
textmedia Empathy
textmedia Barriers in Communication
textmedia Body Language
textmedia Voice
textmedia Asking Questions
quiz S0801 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S09 Introduction
textmedia Telephone Basics
textmedia Handling Everyday Requests
textmedia Tips and Tricks
quiz S0901 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S10 Introduction
textmedia Types of Difficult Customers
quiz S1001 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S11 Introduction
textmedia An Assertive Model
quiz S1101 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S12 Introduction
textmedia Getting to the Heart of the Matter
textmedia The Three F's
quiz S1201 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S13 Introduction
textmedia Reducing Conflict
textmedia When Discussions Degenerate Into Conflict
textmedia Problem Solving in Six Steps
quiz S1301 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S14 Introduction
textmedia The Process
textmedia The Recovery Process
quiz S1401 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S15 Introduction
textmedia Tools to Use
quiz S1501 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S16 Introduction
textmedia Reinforcement Techniques
textmedia Power Talk
textmedia How to Feel Powerful in Your Position
quiz S1601 - Test your Knowledge
textmedia S17 Introduction
textmedia Stress Busting Techniques
quiz S1701 - Test your Knowledge
quiz Final Test - Customer Service

About us

Palomino Training Solutions was established in June 2006 with the view of improving customer service and frontline staff in South Africa.


Our mission

'Empowering others to help themselves through training, education & motivation.'